Jan 20, 2025  
2024-2025 Rowan University Administrative Catalog 
2024-2025 Rowan University Administrative Catalog

Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


The Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Rowan University leads and supports initiatives that promote diversity, equity and inclusion by developing and sustaining meaningful partnerships with internal and external constituents that result in a more diverse and inclusive community; utilizing data to inform continuous improvement efforts and innovation; and implementing university-wide culturally responsive and relevant programming that result in equitable educational opportunities for students and an affirming culture and climate. The departments reporting to the Division are Social Justice, Inclusion & Conflict Resolution; Center for Neurodiversity; Center for Access, Persistence & Achievement; Equity & Inclusion at Rowan SOM, and the Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning is shared with the Division of Academic Affairs.


Penny McPherson-Myers
Vice President
Savitz Hall

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council

The Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council is comprised of university administrators, faculty, staff from each Division, College and department, as well as undergraduate and graduate student representatives, responsible for leading in the development, implementation, and monitoring of the university’s diversity strategic action plan. The DEI representatives are from the following groups: academic units (Diversity Committee Chairs/Associate Deans), Student Enrollment Management, Advising, Student Affairs, Admissions, International Center, Faculty Center, Office of Student Equity & Compliance, CAPA, SJICR, the Rowan University Police Department, Alumni Engagement, Advancement, Diversity Faculty Senate Committee, Office of Research, Library Services, Wellness Center, Facilities, and Human Resources, General Council, and student leaders.

Social Justice Inclusion & Conflict Resolution

The Office of Social Justice, Inclusion, & Conflict Resolution is committed to establishing transformative educational experiences. Through culturally sustaining practices, we aim to cultivate leadership, identity development, and global citizenship by empowering our community at Rowan and beyond. The office serves as an umbrella for the following programs and centers

Dominique Pierson
Hawthorn Hall 203

Dr. Harley E. Flack Student Mentoring Program

The Dr. Harley E. Flack Student Mentoring Program is an academic success and retention program which provides participants academic, personal, and professional support throughout the course of their undergraduate career at Rowan. Through personalized mentorship, academic support, professional guidance, co-curricular activities, and leadership initiatives, the program has successfully supported participants in achieving their goals and full potential as students at Rowan University.


BIPoC Student Support Services

Hawthorn Hall 213

BIPOC Student Support Services is a resource for students from diverse cultural and identity groups, intended to promote the celebration of diversity, development of cross-cultural understanding and competency, and the inclusion of diverse people in the Rowan community. This space supports and initiates programs that promote the acknowledgment and acceptance of the differences that define the self-identity of faculty, staff, and students.

Interfaith & Spiritual Alliance

Evergreen Hall 182

The Interfaith & Spiritual Alliance aims to promote a campus environment that is inclusive of students’ religious, spiritual, and secular identities and allows for expression and exploration of spiritual beliefs and values. Programs and initiatives will advance understanding and appreciation of the contributions of communities varying beliefs.

Gender & Sexuality Center

Hawthorn Hall 214

The Gender & Sexuality Center aims to promote a campus environment that is inclusive of students’ gender identities and expressions and allows for exploration of gender. The center intends to create safer spaces for students by supporting students’ exploration of their identity, and advocate for campus inclusion for the LGBTQIA+ community at Rowan. The staff of the Center works to fulfill its goals through advocacy for campus inclusion of the LGBTQIA+ community at Rowan and by providing relevant training opportunities to students, faculty, and staff. Programs and initiatives of the Center will advance understanding and appreciation for all gender identities and expressions.

Lactation Center

Hawthorn Hall 208

Located within the SJICR office, the Lactation Center is allocated to provide a safe, clean, and comfortable space for all lactating/nursing parents to pump and/or breastfeed. A sink and mini fridge are provided for cleanup and storage of milk/formula.

Center for Neurodiversity

The Center for Neurodiversity is a cultural center within Rowan University’s Division of DEI. The Center for Neurodiversity situates neurodiversity in DEI initiatives recognizing that all aspects of human diversity are natural and valuable (dis/ability, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexuality, etc.). The mission of the center is to provide programming, research and community engagement that value and prioritize neurodiversity culture. The Center for Neurodiversity defines neurodiversity culture as group belonging and pride formed around shared lived experiences, personal disability identity, and social justice activism.

Chiara Latimer
John Woodruff
Laurel Hall, First Floor

Center for Access, Persistence & Achievement

Brett Pulliam
Assistant Vice President, Student Success & Inclusion Programs
Savitz Hall 345
Camden Academic Building 218

Achieving Success through Collaboration, Engagement & Determination Program (ASCEND)

The ASCEND program is an educational pipeline scholarship program for first generation, underrepresented, and/or low-income students which utilizes a series of intentional programming to support students in the program. Within the ASCEND program there are a few components: the Educational Opportunity Fund Program (EOF) and the RISE Scholarship Program.

The EOF program provides access, preparation, orientation, and academic support for students who are among the first in their family to attend college, and for those who otherwise may face unique challenges in college due to economic, cultural, or educational circumstance.

To be considered for the EOF program, students must complete the Common Application and select EOF. The six main requirements for EOF applicants are:

  1. Must demonstrate an educationally and economically disadvantaged background
  2. Must be a New Jersey resident 12 consecutive months prior to receiving the award
  3. Must apply and be accepted to a participating New Jersey college or university
  4. Must meet the academic criteria as set by the institution of choice
  5. Must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application.
  6. Reported Gross income and assets must fall within the stated income and asset guidelines as determined by the Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE)/EOF

The RISE Program is a scholarship program designed for highly motivated first-generation students who would benefit from additional academic support and resources. There are no financial eligibility criteria for the RISE program. However, students are required to complete the FAFSA.

To be considered for the RISE program, students must submit the Common Application. Admissions officers and the EOF team collaborate to identify potential candidates, review admission information and conduct student interviews to determine admittance. Selected students of the ASCEND program (EOF and RISE) are conditionally admitted and required to participate in a six- week summer bridge program. This program provides college prepatory skills, leadership skills, academic coursework and support, STEM enrichment activities, and orientation for transition into the University environment. During the summer program, the ASCEND staff evaluates the students’ demonstrated ability to successfully transition into Rowan University and makes a recommendation regarding the appropriateness of fall admission.

ASCEND students are assigned an ASCEND counselor to provide a broad range of academic and personal support services, including counseling, tutoring, and leadership development from freshman year through graduation. ASCEND Counselors interact with students in individual and small group settings. Financial assistance is provided to qualified students.

Brett Pulliam
Assistant Vice President, Student Success & Inclusion Programs
Savitz Hall 345

ASCEND Camden, Academic Building, Second Floor

Creating Higher Aspiration & Motivation Project (CHAMP)

The Creating Higher Aspiration & Motivation Project (CHAMP)/Gaining Early Awareness & Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) serves approximately 450+ 6th through 12th grade Camden City middle and high school students annually, with college access activities. CHAMP/GEAR UP provides participants with a solid foundation to aid them with support necessary to successfully complete secondary education and postsecondary education programs leading to careers in fields in which persons from minority and/or disadvantaged backgrounds are underrepresented, such as engineering, computer science, medicine, environmental science, etc.

The program includes a six-week summer enrichment program, with a goal of increasing students’ math, science, English, public speaking and cooperative skill building and career exploration. The academic year program includes after school tutoring, in and out of school counseling and mentoring, Saturday Academy, PSAT/SAT instruction, career exploration, field trips and educational activities. Trips to colleges and universities as well as assistance with completion of college applications and financial aid forms are provided. College Access workshops are also offered to parents.

The program is supported by funds from the U.S. Department of Education administered through the New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE), NJ GEAR UP and College Bound Grant Programs, Camden City Schools, and Rowan University.

Winona Wigfall
Camden Bank Building, 2nd Floor


Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation

The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is part of a national effort to increase the number of underrepresented minority students who successfully complete baccalaureate and advanced degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Funding for the LSAMP program is provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Rowan University is one of nine institutions that comprise the consortium called the Greater Philadelphia Region Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. This consortium represents a diverse partnership of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), both public and private two- and four-year research and non-research institutions. The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation at Rowan University, partners with the ASCEND program, academic colleges, the Division of University Research, student groups, and other University stakeholders to broaden the participation of underrepresented students in STEM majors. The ultimate goal of this program is to diversify the STEM workforce. This is done by facilitating and identifying professional development opportunities including but not limited to seminars, conferences, internships, cooperative employment experiences, research or civic engagement. The program also encourages students to pursue advanced degrees in STEM.

Brett Pulliam
Assistant Vice President, Student Success & Inclusion Programs
Savitz Hall 345

Upward Bound Program

The Upward Bound program is a federally funded program that provides opportunities for 50 students from low-income families and/or first-generation college bound students, to succeed in college. The Upward Bound program at Rowan Camden serves English Language Learners (ELL) students from Camden high schools who participate in their school’s bilingual or ESL program.

Recognizing the need for these students to enhance both their content knowledge and language proficiency, the academic courses offered through Upward Bound for ELLs use content-based instruction approach, which focuses on English language acquisition while providing much needed content knowledge.

The program offers an academic year component that begins in October and ends in May and a six-week non-residential summer program (June through early August) held both on the Rowan University - Camden Campus Academic Building.

Margie Olivencia
Camden Academic Building, Third Floor

DEI at Rowan-Virtua SOM

The Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) in the Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine (SOM) supports the mission by preparing culturally proficient physicians and researchers who are equipped to serve diverse communities.

The Office of DEI is responsible for collaborative efforts across SOM to recruit and retain diverse medical students as well as foster a holistic teaching and learning environment to produce more diverse physicians to serve New Jersey and the nation. Lead by the Inaugural Director of DEI, the DEI Committee guides evidence-based goals and actions to impact institutional climate for diverse students, residents, faculty, staff and clinicians to thrive. Collaborative efforts include pathway programs supporting underrepresented, minoritized high school students to innovative professional learning, programming, and instruction to prepare future and current physicians and researchers for culturally-responsive service to eradicate health disparities, racism, and all forms of bias in medicine.

Naima Hall
Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Virtua Health College
Stratford Campus, RMB 2311


Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Mission Statement:

The Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning creates valuable and appropriate connections across campus to facilitate individuals’ growth as engaged university citizens; and serves faculty, librarians, and the institution in pursuit of teaching, scholarship, and creative excellence.

The Center provides programming and services in three areas:

  • Induction and ongoing support of faculty and librarians;
  • Professional development focused on research-based and culturally responsive teaching practices, acquisition of skills to support diverse learners, and academic career progress; and
  • Institutional change relevant to diversity, equity and inclusion in teaching, scholarship, and creative activities.

Our programming and services are designed to encourage reflective pedagogy and practice and to assist in creating an equitable learning environment for all faculty, librarians, staff, and students. The Faculty Center encourages self-directed inquiry through various modes including professional development workshops, professional learning communities, affinity groups, midsemester focus sessions, conference participation, and consultations.

Our Goals:

  • Promote a high standard of quality teaching and learning encompassing a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Support junior faculty throughout the tenure and recontracting process
  • Support faculty in the development of inclusive teaching practices
  • Create an inclusive community with equitable opportunities for all faculty and librarians
  • Represent the interests of teaching and learning at the university
  • Build faculty leadership capabilities
  • Maintain currency in the field of educational development

Jill Perry
Herman D. James Hall 3092