Oct 04, 2024  
2024-2025 Rowan University Administrative Catalog 
2024-2025 Rowan University Administrative Catalog

Division of Academic Affairs & Student Affairs

The Academic Affairs Division is headed by the Provost/Chief Academic Officer. The Provost reports directly to the President and is responsible for leadership and oversight of academic programs, faculty affairs, and library services. The Deans of the Colleges of Business, Communication & Creative Arts, Education, Engineering, Performing Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Science & Mathematics, and Honors; Schools of Earth & Environment;The Rita & Larry Salva School of Nursing & Health Professions; and the Cooper Medical School, the Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine, and the Rowan-Virtua School Translational Biomedical Engineering & Science report to the Provost. The Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students, Assistant Vice President for Community Health & Well-being, Associate Provost for Library Information Services, and the Associate Provost for International Education also report to the Provost. The Director of the Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning reports to the Vice Provost. The University Registrar and Director of Assessment report to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Anthony M. Lowman
Senior Vice President and Provost
Bunce Hall

Roberta Harvey
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Bunce Hall

Mariano J. Savelski
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Bole Hall

Rory McElwee
Vice President for Student Affairs

Kevin S. Koett
Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students
Savitz Hall, Room 340

Scott Woodside
Assistant Vice President for Community Health & Well-being

Academic Affairs

Center for Academic Innovation

A primary focus of the Center is to engage internal and external stakeholders in the creation of educational experiences to prepare students for successful careers, meaningful lives, and continuous learning. Business and community outreach, pathway building, curriculum design, marketing, recruitment, program delivery, and assessment are brought together in the development process from idea to launch. The Center mobilizes the competitive advantages of the University as a premium provider of academic credentials and leverages these advantages to deliver learning opportunities to new populations and next generations of students.

Roberta Harvey
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Bole Hall

Office of Assessment

The purpose of academic assessment is to enhance Rowan University’s capacity to improve every student’s knowledge, skills and abilities. In addition to academic assessment, the University engages in assessment of its facilities, services, and administration. Together, these assessment efforts help Rowan University determine how well it is fulfilling its mission and make informed decisions about how best to use resources. Assessment is the process of collecting and using reliable information as a basis for program improvement. At Rowan University, we systematically measure the extent to which we are achieving desired student learning outcomes and institutional effectiveness targets.

Jeff Bonfield
Bole Hall

Office of the University Registrar

The Office of the University Registrar oversees registration and registration-related issues for all of Rowan’s undergraduate and graduate (non-medical) students. The Registrar is responsible for student records, including transcripts and enrollment verifications; coordination of graduation audits; awarding of credits, degrees, and certificates; and processing of diplomas. The Office coordinates compliance with the Statewide Transfer Agreement and provides resources for transfer students, including the management of ongoing transfer credit articulations and credit postings for individual undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, the Office also faciliates the entry of the academic schedule into the student information system and coordinates updates to official curriculum in the system, including programs and courses. The Registrar works closely with all academic colleges as well as the Offices of Admissions, Advising and Student Retention, and directly supports the Office of Academic Affairs.

Linda Drexel
University Registrar
Savitz Hall

Faculty Affairs

The Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs works closely with the academic deans, across all Rowan University campuses, in support of faculty hiring, reappointments, and tenure and promotion, as well as providing support to the University Sabbatical Leave Program. The Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs also plays a key role in the design and implementation of locally negotiated agreements and processes involving faculty development, evaluation, and retention; and oversees the Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.


The Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Mission Statement:

The Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning creates valuable and appropriate connections across campus to facilitate individuals’ growth as engaged university citizens; and serves faculty, librarians, and the institution in pursuit of teaching, scholarship, and creative excellence.

The Center provides programming and services in three areas:

  • Induction and ongoing support of faculty and librarians;
  • Professional development focused on research-based and culturally responsive teaching practices, acquisition of skills to support diverse learners, and academic career progress; and
  • Institutional change relevant to diversity, equity and inclusion in teaching, scholarship, and creative activities.

Our programming and services are designed to encourage reflective pedagogy and practice and to assist in creating an equitable learning environment for all faculty, librarians, staff, and students. The Faculty Center encourages self-directed inquiry through various modes including professional development workshops, professional learning communities, affinity groups, midsemester focus sessions, conference participation, and consultations.

Our Goals:

  • Promote a high standard of quality teaching and learning encompassing a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Support junior faculty throughout the tenure and recontracting process
  • Support faculty in the development of inclusive teaching practices
  • Create an inclusive community with equitable opportunities for all faculty and librarians
  • Represent the interests of teaching and learning at the university
  • Build faculty leadership capabilities
  • Maintain currency in the field of educational development

Mariano J. Savelski
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Bole Hall

Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Jill Perry
Herman D. James Hall 3092

Student Affairs

Student Affairs provides numerous services to support all students in achieving their academic, career, and personal goals. With a focus on student holistic well-being, dedicated professionals provide expert support and intervention for students through University Advising Services, Academic Support Programs, Tutoring, Success Coaching, Exploratory Studies & Pre-Business Programs, Degree Completion Initiatives, Accessibility Services, Military Services, Testing Services, the Office of Career Advancement, and the Office of Pre-Health Programs. We also offer the student success academic courses.

Rory McElwee
Vice President for Student Affairs

Rowan Seminar

Rowan Seminar is designed to help our first year students make a smooth academic transition to university life. Rowan Seminar courses are required for new first-year students and are designed to introduce students to the academic skills needed to succeed at Rowan and to college level expectations of the learning process. Rowan Seminar courses are designated in a student’s schedule with an RS after the title. The professor will introduce every student to the following skills, values, and expectations at the college level:

  • Strengthen writing and critical thinking skills through their application to specific course content
  • Nurture library research skills within a course context
  • Reinforce the value of cooperative learning
  • Strengthen the academic skills needed for college

First-year students are assigned to Rowan Seminar sections in the fall semester. Any student unable to enroll in a section in the fall will have the opportunity to take a Rowan Seminar section offered in the spring.

For more information about Rowan Seminar or if you have any questions about the program, please contact the University Advising Center. Please also visit the Rowan Seminar website at: https://sites.rowan.edu/student-success/first-year-programs/rowan-seminar/index.html.

Exploratory Studies

Exploratory Studies provides an academic home for students with fewer than 60 credits who have not yet selected a major. Students in the Exploratory Studies Program are housed within the College of Humanities & Social Sciences. Exploratory Studies students receive professional academic advising from the University Advising Center and many other offices on campus. First-year students in the Exploratory Studies Program, will be enrolled in a dedicated section of Rowan 101: College Success - RS in their first semester to familiarize them with Rowan’s many resources and to begin the process of exploring majors, careers, and their own strengths and interests. Students may remain in Exploratory Studies until they have completed 60 credits (including all transfer credits). Students who have not selected a major at that time will be placed in the Liberal Studies/Humanities & Social Science major. However, most students select a major well before 60 credits. For more information, see https://sites.rowan.edu/student-success/first-year-programs/esp/index.html or email exploratorystudies@rowan.edu.

Rowan Students seeking a Second Bachelor’s Degree

Students that have graduated from Rowan and would like to return to pursue a second bachelor’s degree should follow the re-enrollment process. Students should visit the website https://sites.rowan.edu/student-success/returning-to-rowan/ and complete the re-enrollment inquiry form. Students will be notified of their re-enrollment status via email.

Contact Tiffany Delesandro at delesandro@rowan.edu with questions.

Academic Support, Advising, & Analytics

The Department of Academic Support, Advising, & Analytics includes Academic Support Programs, University Advising Services (UAS), and Student Success Analytics and Systems. University Advising Services, UAS, is an organization of professional academic advisors. The hallmarks of UAS advising are exceptional student-centeredness and responsiveness; excellence in advisor training and ongoing professional development; adherence to standard advising services and protocols; and collaboration with academic units and other campus personnel and services. UAS works to construct a collaborative, learning-centered environment committed to engaging students in the development and implementation of meaningful educational goals, informed academic planning, and major selection consistent with their personal values, interests, and abilities. We also provide our students guidance with regard to effective navigation of university systems and processes. UAS partners with Departments and Colleges to provide and coordinate advising services to Rowan students in specific majors. UAS offers a range of services, including individual appointments, walk-in hours, group advising sessions in or out of class sessions, and more.

Amy Ruymann
Assistant Vice President, Academic Support, Advising & Analytics
Savitz Hall 316

University Advising Center (UAC)

The University Advising Center (UAC) serves as the hub for services and information related to academic and career advising. In addition, academic advisors in the UAC advise all Exploratory Studies and Pre-Business students and all students considering changing their major, as well as students in select majors. The UAC is also the hub for University Transfer Services, Degree Completion initiatives, and the Degree in 3 program.

Carol Eigenbrot
Savitz Hall, 3rd Floor

University Transfer Services

University Transfer Services provides a variety of transfer student services including the Transfer Topics workshop series, New Transfer Information Sessions, the Transfer Mentor program, and the email hotline transferhelp@rowan.edu to which any transfer student can send questions which will be answered promptly by a Rowan administrator.

Mayra Arroyo

College of Education Advising Center
The College of Education Advising Center provides academic advising for students enrolled in College of Education programs. Additionally, informational meetings are available for students considering these programs.

Dorothy Abruzzo-Klumpp
Associate Director
Herman D. James Hall, 2nd Floor

UAS Services for CHSS, ECCCA, SEE, and CPA
Julia Beth Rey
Associate Director
Herman D. James Hall, 3rd Floor

UAS Services for CSM, VHSNHP, and HMRCOE
John (Jay) Dukenski
Associate Director

Academic Support Programs

Academic Support Programs offers high-quality and accessible services to all Rowan students to maximize their academic achievement. These services include tutoring, success coaching, early intervention, and the Academic Improvement Program to support students on academic probation.

Erin Hannah
Savitz Hall

Tutoring Center

Tutoring is available free of charge to all Rowan University undergraduate students. The Tutoring Center provides small-group or drop-in tutoring in most subject areas. Students may request academic assistance on a one time basis or may be scheduled for regular assistance on a weekly basis throughout the semester. The purpose of tutoring is to complement classroom instruction, not replace it. Workshops on learning strategies and effective study techniques are presented at various times throughout the academic year. Tutoring is available in person at Savitz Hall or in other locations on Rowan’s campuses, with virtual options as well.

Laura Respher
Assistant Director
Savitz Hall, 3rd Floor

Academic Success Center & Accessibility Services

The Academic Success Center provides a myriad of comprehensive programs and services that assist students in enhancing and maximizing their academic potential from Orientation through Graduation. The Center provides services in the following areas: military services, accessibility services, testing, and an array of academic support workshops. Accessibility Services provides accommodations and assistance to students with various documented disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Students who meet University admissions requirements (i.e., otherwise qualified to attend the University) are required to submit appropriate documentation so that the University can determine whether they qualify for reasonable accommodations. Military services handles all military education benefits and provides support services for our student veterans and programming for the campus community to recognize and appreciate their contributions.

John Woodruff
Senior Director
Savitz Hall, 3rd floor

Military Services

The Military Services Office at Rowan University is the liaison with the Regional Processing Office in Buffalo, New York, to assist veterans and dependents of veterans with their education benefits. The Military Services Office also provides programming and resources for the campus community.

To qualify for veterans’ benefits, you must be enrolled in a degree-seeking program. If you are entering Rowan University for the first time and believe you are eligible for veterans’ educational assistance, schedule an appointment with the Office of Military Services. The office has both day and evening hours to ensure access to all veteran students seeking information and assistance.

In order to receive benefits every semester, students are required to fill out semester forms with the Military Services office. This should be done as soon as you register for classes to ensure you receive your benefits in a timely manner. The Military Services Office is going to be your point of contact on campus for any questions/concerns regarding your benefits.

Military Deferment Plan- Students registered with military services are able to apply a military deferment plan to protect their account. This hold the bill due date until the 3rd day of the last month of that semester. Instructions will be given to students once they identify and completed required paperwork.

Active Duty/Training Orders Please provide copies of any active duty or training orders to our office as soon as possible. We will send out an official letter via Rowan Success Network to your professors letting them know that you are on orders during this time frame. This official letter will also provide them with rights and responsibilities for both the student and professor.

A covered individual for the purposes for the military services office is any student who is registered with the office who is using military benefits.

GI Bill® is to be used solely to promote official VA benefit programs and services and must include the proper trademark symbol.GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill

Beth Sosnoski
Savitz Hall

Testing Services

Testing Services offers the following services: testing accommodations for students registered with Accessibility Services, placement testing, CLEP examinations, the Miller Analogies Test, and proctoring for long-distance learners.

Savitz Hall, 3rd Floor

Office of Career Advancement (OCA)

The mission of the Office of Career Advancement (OCA) is to engage students in the development and implementation of meaningful educational and career goals consistent with their personal values, interests, and abilities. The OCA helps students and alumni create an effective framework for a lifetime of active career management through one-on-one counseling, workshops, recruitment programs, career fairs, job posting databases and by promoting strong partnerships with employers, academic departments, and the university community.

Bob Bullard
Assistant Vice President for Professional Success
Savitz Hall

Office of Pre-Health Programs

The Office of Pre-Health Programs strives to provide Rowan students, from all majors, with the appropriate information and resources to develop competitive, well-rounded applications to the various professional graduate programs. The Office will invite these graduate programs to campus to educate students on all aspects of the application process. In addition, the Office will introduce Rowan students to additional careers and provide workshops that cultivate an environment in which students are equipped to address current and emerging health issues in the community.

Grace Farber, Director
Keyona Renee Walker, Coordinator

Student Life/Dean of Students

The Division of Student Life/Dean of Students encompasses several key areas at Rowan University committed to attracting high caliber students and retaining them through graduation. In short, we are a division dedicated to our students’ success. Student Life includes the departments of Athletics, Community Standards, Greek Life, Orientation & Student Leadership Programs, Recreation Center, Residential Learning & University Housing, Student Activities, Student Center, Student Enrichment & Family Connections, Student Government Association, Student Organizations, Volunteerism, Community Engagement, & Commuter Services, Student Resiliency & Wellbeing (THRIVE), and Off-Campus Housing resources. Our main office is in Savitz Hall; however, Student Life is literally all over Rowan. While you may not have realized it, we met you before you first stepped foot on campus, we’ll advise you while you’re here and, hopefully, our impression will stay with you long after you leave. The Division of Student Life provides support, engagement, experiential, and retention programs for students from their first semester through their graduation.

Kevin S. Koett
Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students
Savitz Hall, Room 340

Drew Tinnin
Associate Vice President for Student Life
Student Center, 3rd Floor

Cherish Reimel
Assistant Dean of Student Life
Savitz Hall, Room 336


Campus Recreation

Campus Recreation is committed to providing exceptional programs, services, and facilities that promote and encourage a balanced, healthy lifestyle. We are dedicated to creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment that enhances student learning and skill development, fosters enjoyment and appreciation for recreational life, and enriches the quality of life for the Rowan Community.

The Recreation Center is a three-story, 76,000 square foot recreational activities facility. The building houses an eight-lane swimming pool, a three-lane indoor track, a three-court multi-sport gymnasium, five racquetball courts (one used for indoor cycling) and a group exercise room. The facility also has a 9,000 square foot fitness and weight room, conference room, locker/shower facilities, and a juice/smoothie bar and café. The main desk of the facility operates as ID access/control area, equipment checkout center, and as the program/membership registration area.

The Satellite Fitness Center is located on the corner of Mick Dr. and Victoria Ave. and encompasses over 17,000 square feet. The building offers a free weight room, spaces for functional training, connected cardiovascular equipment, non-motorized equipment, various multi-functional strength systems, and a men’s, women’s and inclusive locker/shower rooms.

The Recreation Center offers 18 hour days and the Satellite Fitness Center offers 16 hour days during the academic year, with modified hours during the weekends, holidays, and breaks over the course of the year.

Access to facilities, programs, and services is granted to full time students with a current and active Rowan ID card. Students taking 6 or fewer credits may purchase a membership.

Campus Recreation offers a broad range of programs and services; coordinating or co-sponsoring over 200 programs annually in the following programmatic areas: intramural sports, fitness and wellness, aquatics, sport clubs, informal recreation and special events. Although the foundation of our department rests on serving student recreational needs as a priority, we are also committed to a broader constituency.

Kevin George

Community Standards

The Office of Community Standards articulates and upholds the standards of behavior expected within the University community. The office addresses violations of the student code of conduct through the university disciplinary system to ensure respect for all members of the community and the maintenance of a collaborative and learning-centered environment.

Cindy Threatt
Assistant Dean of Student Life
Chamberlain Student Center, Suite 210

Off Campus Services and Resources

Off-Campus Services & Resources (OCSR) is just one part of the Office of the Dean of Students. The department works closely with commuter students, off-campus students, landlords, and representatives of Glassboro to address concerns and needs that might arise. OCSR strives here to help students who need assistance, guidance, or just need a point in the right direction.

Charles Kuski
Coordinator of Off Campus Services & Resources
Chamberlain Student Center, Suite 210

Orientation & Student Leadership Programs

The Office of Orientation & Student Leadership Programs (OSLP) assists new students in their transition to Rowan University. Orientation & Student Leadership Programs directs programs such as freshman and transfer orientation and Leadership Rowan.

Orientation & Student Leadership Programs begins the integration process of new students into the intellectual, cultural, and social climate of the institution, and provides a capstone to students’ co-curricular learning and development through leadership certification.

Maria Pattison
Chamberlain Student Center, 3rd Floor

Leadership Rowan

Rowan University recognizes the value of preparing students for leadership roles. Through education, enrichment and empowerment, Leadership Rowan enables students to transform themselves, their communities, and the world through three levels of leadership experiences:

  1. Leadership Training
  2. Leadership Application and Organizational Effectiveness
  3. Leadership Sustainability


Through on-campus and online orientation programs, undergraduate students are introduced to the concepts of academic success, co-curricular enrichment, dual community membership, & holistic wellness and discover pathways to engagement through STEP UP. Orientation programs provide opportunities for parents & family members to support their student’s transition. The Office of Orientation & Student Leadership Programs coordinates and implements these programs in collaboration with academic and student service units who share the responsibility for welcoming our new students and their parents and family members.

Greek Life

Fraternities and sororities are Greek-letter organizations that join together to offer fellowship, leadership opportunities, participation in campus activities, and service to both the University and surrounding communities. The Greek Life Office serves as the primary liaison to the recognized Inter/National fraternities and sororities at Rowan University. The mission of the Greek Community at Rowan University is to encourage and promote intellectual curiosity through academic achievement and to develop the personal and social skills of students by providing leadership opportunities through self-governance. In addition, the Greek Community strives to promote service through the University’s co-curricular programs and through community involvement. The co-curriculum, established by Rowan University’s Mission Statement on student development, promotes growth toward attitudinal and ethical development; and, responsibility to self and others through active participation in the betterment of the campus and larger community. The Greek Community is expected to plan its activities with academic and co-curricular mission of the University in mind.


Residential Learning & University Housing

The Office of Residential Learning & University Housing exists to support each individual resident student in all areas of their university experience. We expect that each resident student will play an active part in the development of a community that embraces diversity, personal growth, scholarship and respect of self, others, and the environment.

Residential Learning Programming: Residential Learning & University Housing coordinates programs designed to integrate high quality engagement with learning. The Residential Learning staff works with various members of the university community to provide a living/learning environment that is unique to the Rowan Experience.

Mandatory Housing: All unmarried undergraduate full-time students, under the age of 21, whether or not emancipated, who will not be living in the residence of their parents or legal guardian, must reside in the university residential facilities until completion of their second academic year (or four full-time semesters).

Residential Facilities: Rowan University offers two types of on-campus co-ed housing, residence halls and apartments. The Residence Halls are as follows:

Evergreen Hall, Laurel Hall, Mullica Hall, Magnolia Hall, Mimosa Hall, Oak Hall, Chestnut Hall, and Willow Hall The Apartments are as follows:

Edgewood Park Apartments, Rowan Blvd. Apartments, Triad Apartments, and Rowan Townhouses

On-campus apartments are reserved for upperclassmen. Students with questions concerning housing facilities, arrangements or contract agreements should be directed to the Residential Learning & University Housing Office, Savitz (856) 256-4266.

Barry Hendler
Assistant Dean of Residential Learning & University Housing
Savitz Hall, Room 103

Student Center & Campus Activities

The Chamberlain Student Center & Campus Activities (SCCA) team is committed to providing a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all members of the Rowan University community. Through quality programs, services, and facilities, the SCCA creates opportunities for student engagement and learning, stimulates personal development, and contributes to building campus community in collaboration with university partners.

Everyone who walks through the doors of the Chamberlain Student Center will experience the best services, programs, and staff while developing a lifelong connection to the University.

Joe Lizza

Student Enrichment & Family Connections

Rowan University’s Parent & Family Program commits itself to establish and maintain a sound partnership with parents and guardians to enhance and support their student’s university experience and promote student success.

We understand that you have a large personal and financial investment in your son’s or daughter’s education, and thus Rowan University. You want what we want: success for your son or daughter, and it is right and proper that you be a part of our community in a way that promotes the success of that student we all care so much about.

The Office of Student Enrichment & Family Connections achieves this collaborative partnership by being available to assist and guide parents and guardians in facilitating better communication with the University. The office works to nurture the relationship with parents and family members of Rowan University students by supporting student achievements and helping carry out the University carry out its mission. Parents and guardians are natural allies with the University as we seek to help students find success. Parents’ hopes and goals are consistent with the Division of Student Affairs’ mission to “cultivate the development of he whole person within a global society” by providing encouraging healthy life choices, multicultural competency, personal and professional growth, campus and community involvement, civic responsibility, and leadership development. The Parents and Family Program has a special interest in establishing cooperative relationships with academic departments and student services to establish parents ad a vital constituent of the University.

Parents’ Orientation

Designed to complement Student Orientation, Parents’ Orientation helps parents and family members get acquainted with the many different programs and services offered to students and addresses questions and concerns each may have.

Interactive programs are offered on:

  • Academic Requirements
  • Expectations
  • Student Services
  • College Success
  • Coping with “empty-nest” syndrome

Welcome Weekend

“Aboard The Brown-Eyed Susan”

This is an opportunity to meet other parents and give yourself some much needed pampering after a long day of moving boxes into your student’s room. Take advantage of services including reflexology, blood pressure screening, manicures, relaxation techniques, massages, games, healthy snacks and activities based on “STEP Up!” It’s a wonderful way to send yourself off in style.

Family Weekend

Offered in the fall each year, Family Weekend celebrates the parents, siblings and other family members of our students. Rowan University families are invited to attend in this time-honored tradition and join their students for the traditional picnic, football game, and other exciting events.

Julie A. Peterson
Chamberlain Student Center 210

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA), the official voice of students in University affairs, coordinates student activities on campus. All fulltime and part-time undergraduate students become members of the SGA upon payment of the student activity fee.

The SGA maintains meaningful student input in University affairs, serves as a funding source and coordinating group for student activities and provides services for the welfare of the students and the University. The SGA encourages the concept of diversity by involving students with as broad a variety of ideas and backgrounds as possible. To accomplish this, SGA opens many positions to students through appointment or election. These range from serving as class advisory board members to being president of SGA.

An elected executive board and senate consisting of student representatives of academic departments, classes and bureaus, administer the SGA. Students interested in running for or being appointed to a position in SGA may seek information in the SGA suite on the first floor of the Student Center or call 856-256-4540.

Chamberlain Student Center, 3rd Floor

Student Organizations

At Rowan University, SGA charters and finances over 100 student clubs and organization. These organizations provide a wide variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to meet the varying interests of Rowan University students.

Students can become members of organizations by contacting the organization’s president or advisor directly. All organizations have a mailbox located in the SGA suite. Students interested in forming a new organization can request a new charter for it from SGA.

Student organizations are financed from fees charged to all matriculated undergraduate students. The Student Government Association assumes the responsibility for distributing all monies to the various organizations.

Student Resiliency & Wellbeing (Thrive)

Throughout their careers at Rowan, students will face a plethora choices, decisions, opportunities, and challenges. Although wellbeing and resilience are defined differently by individuals, they have strong foundations in the sense of feeling good about yourself, finding your place in the world, and using challenges as opportunities for personal growth. Rowan is committed to helping each person cultivate well-being throughout life’s journey of highs and lows. Our team will work to assist individuals develop a toolkit, actions, and behaviors that will help build a life of purpose, resilience and engagement.

Chrissy Feil
Savitz Hall 336

Volunteerism, Community Engagement

The Office of Volunteerism, Community Engagement provides programming, resources, and support to promote a Rowan community of active citizens. We work collaboratively with university faculty and community partners to design a range of curricular and co-curricular service-learning opportunities. Students who engage with service learning, volunteerism and community engagement at Rowan will reflect on meaningful volunteer experiences as they develop a lifelong commitment to their communities. We also collaborate with Glassboro Administration and officials to assist with community concerns that may arise related to Rowan students sharing community life with residential neighbors. Furthermore, the VCECS office also provides programming and support resources geared towards Rowan University’s commuter student population.

Andrew Perrone
Assistant Director
Chamberlain Student Center 210

Wellness Center at Winans Hall

The Rowan University Wellness Center at Winans Hall on the main campus in Glassboro is an integrated health and wellness facility for Rowan University students. The clinical services include: Student Health Services (SHS), Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS), Alcohol and Other Drugs Services (AOD) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and the Shreiber Family Pet Therapy Program all of which provide comprehensive health and wellness care, education and programming
to students.

The University’s Stress Management and Response Team (SMART) is coordinated through the Wellness Center and each professional staff is a core member of the team. This university-wide group is available to meet with various divisions, departments, organizations, and groups on campus in order to assist with response to traumatic events that impact particular groups of students or the university community as a whole.



Counseling & Psychological Services

Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS) at the Wellness Center provides confidential mental health and substance abuse services to enrolled students. CPS counselors help students get connected with short term group, individual and brief drop in sessions called Let’s Talk. Some common areas addressed in counseling for college students include academic stressors, coping with personal and family relationship issues, stress and anxiety management, coping with depression, eating and body image issues, dealing with grief and loss, trauma and substance use.

Emergency Medical Services

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is a student-run organization chartered under the Student Government Association and supported by the Wellness Center, providing emergency medical response 24/7 to the Rowan University campus and surrounding community. Since its inception in 1978, EMS has been providing emergency services and is one of the longest serving collegiate EMS squads in New Jersey. Rowan University is recognized as a National Heart Safe Campus and in 2019 EMS was awarded the Gold Tier recognition from the National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation as an EMS Ready Campus. The only collegiate EMS organization in the country to receive this distinction. EMS operates with approximately 80 volunteered members with two NJ ambulances, a first responder vehicle, and two bicycle response teams.

Shreiber Family Pet Therapy Program

The Shreiber Family Pet Therapy Program at the Wellness Center provides a variety of Animal-Assisted Activities (including Animal-Assisted Therapy) to support student health and well-being. The program partners with the other departments in the Wellness Center and other offices on campus. These partnerships include: the Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) [such as: the Social Justice, Inclusion & Conflict Resolution Center (SJICR)]; Academic Affairs (such as: Accessibility Services, and, the Autism PATH Program; Military Services; and, Admissions); and the Early Childhood Demonstration Center. Partnerships also include student clubs such as: the Pre-Vet Club, and the Animal Advocacy Club.

Student Health Services

Student Health Services (SHS) at the Wellness Center strives to remove health-related barriers to learning, to promote optimal wellness, to enable students to make informed decisions about health issues, and to empower students to be self-directed and well-informed health care consumers. Licensed physicians, nurse practitioners and registered nurses provide quality, professional healthcare, both in person and telehealth, to all students who are matriculated and currently enrolled at Rowan University.

All incoming matriculated students must complete Wellness Requirements by June 15th (December 15th for Spring admission). These requirements included online health forms, an immunization record, and online learning modules. Visit https:www.rowan.edu/healthforms.

All matriculated students are required to have health insurance as a condition of full time enrollment at Rowan University.

To enroll in, or waive, the health insurance plan offered by Aetna, visit the Bursar’s website at www.rowan.edu/bursar and follow the instructions. Failure to waive the plan will result in automatic enrollment into the plan.

Scott Woodside
Assistant Vice President for Community Health & Well-being

Amy Hoch
Associate Director of the Wellness Center