Systems engineering involves the design, integration, and management of complex and large-scale systems over their life cycles. As such, Systems Engineering bridges many existing engineering disciplines, as design, integration, and management of complex, large-scale systems are common to all engineering disciplines. While the nation’s institutions of higher education graduate a sufficient number of professionals in core traditional engineering disciplines, there is an unmet need for qualified professionals who have the necessary knowledge and skills to integrate such complex and large-scale systems across different disciplines. Furthermore, while there are master’s level graduate programs in Systems Engineering, not all professionals have the time to pursue a full-length MS program, and hence, they would prefer a shorter certificate program that focuses on core areas. This Certificate of Graduate Studies program in Systems Engineering is designed to meet this growing demand by providing a strong foundation, skills, and knowledge on which the participants can build a successful career. The COGS in Systems Engineering consists of the four core courses of the M.S. in Systems Engineering. Therefore, students who complete this COGS can easily complete their M.S. in Systems Engineering simply by taking the relevant electives in any of the focus areas of the M.S. in Systems Engineering.