The Certificate of Undergraduate Study in Philosophy (CUGS) is a valuable addition to any major. Philosophy courses impart and sharpen skills in close reading, theoretical reasoning and excellent writing, as well as helping students place their experience within a cross-cultural and historical context of thinking about fundamental human issues. These skills and this broader perspective help students do well on all graduate admissions tests, are attractive to employers, and help equip students for executive positions later in their careers. Students can choose specific philosophy courses related to their major field of study or other areas of interest. Students will develop an awareness of how their actions affect others on a local and global level. Elective courses include Biomedical Ethics, Philosophy of Science, Aesthetics, Philosophy and Gender, Environmental Ethics, and many other options.
The Certificate of Undergraduate Study in Philosophy may be declared either in the Philosophy and World Religions Department in Bunce Hall (856-256-4075), Third Floor, or with Christine Larsen-Britt ( of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Dean’s Office.